To make Apple pufs.
TAke a Pomewater or any other Apple that is not hard, or harsh in taste: mince it small with a dozen or twenty Razins of the Sunne: wet
the Apples in two Egges, beat them all together with the backe of a Knife, or a Spoone. Season them with Nutmeg, Rosewater, Sugar, and Ginger: drop them into a Frying-pan with a Spoone, frye them like Egges, wring on the iuyce of an Orenge, or Lemmon, and serue them in.
Modernised recipe:
Quantity for two people: 1 peeled & grated apple, 1 tbsp raisins, 2 smallish eggs, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 2 drops of rose water, tiny amount of sugar, 1/2 tsp ground ginger, butter for frying and orange juice to squeezed orange juice to drizzle on top. Keep them small as it is easier to turn them around in the pan. Delicious!
Recipe sourced from : Murrell's New Cookerie, 1615 @foodsofengland
