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Brigitte Webster

Another year of (slow but steady) progress...

I can’t believe it is almost Christmas 2022 already! Time really flies when you are busy with several projects at the same time.

Sadly, we are still closed to the public and it seems this exciting aim to open again won’t be happening until 2024. We are working towards this deadline on all levels and by following our social media presence (FB: Tudor & 17th century Experience, Twitter: @tudorfoodrecipe, or Instagram: tudor_experience) you can see our daily progress, challenges and news.

2022 saw several projects finished: One bathroom, the Tudor knot gardens and a new banqueting house. We also used the opportunity of this extremely dry summer to dredge the moat. This is a very necessary and one extremely messy task that took several days but what a difference it made!

You might have spotted us in a brief guest appearance in the Channel 4 production of ANTIQUES YARD recently. We also contribute regularly in the awesome TUDOR PLACES magazine which is available online or as a traditional hard copy.

The most exciting bit of news is that my first publication with Pen & Sword – EATING WITH THE TUDORS – is going to print and will be available in the UK and US in 2023! This book is not only offering almost 100 authentic Tudor recipes (with modern instructions and an image for each recipe), it also reveals the history of food in general in England as well as individual food items from the 16th century.

2024 will see my second book, CREATE A TUDOR GARDEN IN YOUR BACKYARD (with the same publisher) launched. This book will be all about English gardens and their plants in the 16th century and guides you through creating a little bit of that in your own garden.

That’s it for now, I hope to update you again soon!

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